The buzz of the holidays can be an exciting time full of good food, drink and get-togethers. It can also be stressful and leave us feeling worn out. Have you been feeling low energy? Or maybe all the rich food and drinks of the season have left your mind feeling cloudy. You are not alone. While it’s okay to indulge in the pleasures of the season, we need to allow our bodies to rejuvenate and our minds to be refreshed. With the cold and flu season upon us and the constant threat of Covid, having our energy balanced and our immune system operating at its optimal potential is critical.
Did you know acupuncture can help revitalize your mind, body and energy allowing our immune systems to operate at their best? Utilizing specific points on the body, acupuncture is able to balance the energy of the body, calm the mind and restore your Qi. In addition, custom herbal formulas, which have been used for thousands of years, can also help balance your qi and keep you operating at your full potential.
A commonly used herb in our immune supporting herbal formulas is Astragalus. Research has shown its ability to promote B-cell proliferation and antibody production. Both of these functions are imperative to a healthy immune response. In addition, Astragalus acts as an antioxidant, increasing healthy enzyme responses and decreasing free-radical damage. Lastly, Astragalus has demonstrated its ability to decrease inflammatory responses. It prevents pathological pathways for the development of rheumatoid arthritis, among other benefits.
Another commonly used herb in our immune boosting formulas is Saposhnikovia root. Research has shown it has a wide range of medicinal benefits, specifically the ability to inhibit influenza, streptococcus and pneumonia among other cold and flu season pathogens.
For more information on the benefits of acupuncture and herbal medicine, we welcome you to give our office a call. Feel free to stop by our downtown SLO location or schedule on our convenient online patient portal.